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it's all about science. always got the highest grades. a geek freak trying to act cool in the same spot, for too much long days. this world is too much interactivated. all lifes are at least once, terribly toxicated. looking forward to recieving a forward about saving my spare times. it's too easy to say there's nothing great about tv or internet. easy to say. we are the naked kings and queens in front of our usually blank screens, in this kingdom of sellfishness. that's pink in theory.

the fight club avenue. lesson 8 point six. illustrator cs2 saved my life on a 24 houred gray day. permission denied. if the room starts getting smaller you should better get rid of the unused furniture. junk is addictive. pull your strings until you climb off the walls. empty the boxes. fill the boxes again. this is what i luv to do in rainy days. remember and forget. at the same time. so my screen shines alot and my window gets all jeolous about my paintings.

standing on a circus ball have never been that easy. sometimes i feel confused and restart. if i sound meaningless, answer me. if you had to choose only 1 thing to do all your life long, what would it be? please try to scare the crap out of me but be honest.

sometimes hobbies have to turn into jobs and die. this way we swim safe with the tidy equilibrium wave.

this is no good.
get down.
i said get down.


Anonymous said...


Ryan Smith said...

I like bakelite radios and your illustrations.